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  • ilker kanat
    Posted April 30, 2024 at 10:12 am

    ıs there discount for the loose above 1000 usd
    ın cyprus they pay 20% discount for ypur loose

    • jonathan
      Posted May 16, 2024 at 8:13 am

      No sorry this is illegal in Egypt, and taxation system is completely different.

  • Shyla Rossie
    Posted July 19, 2024 at 5:36 pm

    Do you offer casino credit? Can we wire money to the casino? I don’t want to cross borders with too much cash.

    • jonathan
      Posted July 21, 2024 at 9:24 pm

      Hello, thank you for your question. Credit are illegal in Casinos in Egypt but sure you can request our bank account reference to send money via transfer. Then a customer will be created with the amount that you will send. best regards. +201003458095

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