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Sinai Grand Casino

The finest Casino in Middle East.

Sinai Grand Casino has been opened in October 2001 at the door of Naama Bay Sharm El Sheikh Egypt by the French company Raineau Group. It’s the biggest and most luxury Casino in town. Over its 1,000sqm, the Casino offers daily thrills, animation and unique Casino experience.

  • 20 live gaming tables from $1 to $500 bet.
  • 83 slot machines from $0,10 to $200 bet.
  • A large Poker room with 5 tables from $200 buy-in & $5/$5 blinds.
  • An exclusive Premium VIP Room with private entrance & parking from $25 to $500.
  • Large Bar with a large screen and a selection of high quality beverage.
  • An Italian Restaurant “Re Di Cuori” by Gaetano
  • Weekly entertainment Live Show program at 11.30pm

Sharm El Skheikh is an Egyptian resort town between the desert of the Sinai Peninsula and the Red Sea. It’s known for its sheltered sandy beaches, clear waters and coral reefs.

Naama Bay, with a brand-new palm tree lined promenade, is filled with bars, and restaurants. Ras Muhammad National Park is a major diving destination, with marine life around the Shark and Yolanda reefs and the Thistlegorm wreck.

The Casino access is free, without specific dress code but under legal conditions:
  • Prohibited for people under the age of 18 years old.
  • By Egytian law, a valid Passport to be presenteded at check-in, copies will be refused.
  • ID valid only for people with Italian nationality.
  • Egyptian without double nationality are not allowed to access the Casino.
  • By Egyptian law, all plays are only in US dollars. All foreign currencies to be changed at the Casino Bank including commission. Egyptian pound is not allowed on play.
  • Management has the right to block access to any person with undesirable behavior at check-in.
  • It is not allowed to carry food or external beverage from outside. Any foreign bottle bought at Duty Free must be declared and registered on the official book.
  • Indecent clothing or swimsuits will be refused.

Egypt, a country linking northeast Africa with the Middle East, dates to the time of the pharaohs. Milennia-old monuments sit along the fertile Nile River valley.

Currency Egyptian pound$1 = 30.85 egp
Maximum declared money carriage$10,000
Dialing code+20 xxx
Direct flights to Sharm El Sheikh from:Armenia, Azerbaijan, Austria, Belgium, England, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Holland, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Kuwait, Russian, Saudia Arabia, Switzerland, Turkey, Uzbekistan.
Visa Policy:Check out this governmental website.
ReligionIslam is the official religion of Egypt with approximately 90% of the population being Muslim. Most non-Muslims in Egypt are Christian and belong to the Coptic Orthodox Church. There is also a small Jewish minority.

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